- Aero-air or gas
- Algia-pain
- An – Not
- Ana-back
- Angi-blood vessel
- Aneam-blood
- Anti- Against
- Antipyretic-fever reducing
- Analgesic-to relieve pain
- Antibiotic-medicine inhibits growth of micro organism
- Amylo-starchy or carbohydrate
- Acanth-thorn or spine
- Aorto – Aorta
- Arterio-artery
- Artho – joint
- Asthenia-weakness
- Aux-increase
- Azo-nitrogenious
- Bio-life
- Blast-germs
- Bleph – Eyelid
- Brachi-arm
- Bradi-slow
- Broncho – Bronchi
- Bucc-cheek
- Capill-hair
- Carcin-cancer
- Cardio- Heart
- Carp-wrist
- Cata-down
- Cephalo – Head
- Cerebro- Brain
- Cervico – Cervix
- Cheil-lips
- Chemi-chemistry
- Chol-bile
- Cholecysto – Gall Bladder
- Chrom-colour
- Coli- Bowel
- Colpo – Vagina
- Cyan-blue
- Cyst-urinary bladder
- Cyt-cell
- Dent-teeth
- Derm-skin
- Dextr-right
- Dis-separation
- Dynia-pain
- Dys-bad
- Entero – Intestine
- Emia-blood
- Endo—inside
- Epi-upon
- Esophageal-gullet
- Faci-face
- Fossa-hollow
- Galact-milk
- Gloss-toungue
- Gastro – Stomach
Medical terms and meanings