In this text book we will study some basic mathematical equations and problems,for higher studies.Measurements and relations between them form an important
part of subject. Because of this, physical and social
sciences require mathematics to present such quantitative
relations.The subject is also has an ideal aspect in which
measurements are seen as pure numbers and objects as
geometrical shapes. Relations between numbers then grow into
algebra, and cause-effect relationships of physical objects
develop into logical connections between ideas. Thus
mathematical theorems are formed. These in turn lead to more
effective practical applications. Here we present the basic lessons
in mathematical theory and applications.
In the present age, tedious computations and complex drawings
are done using computers. On the other hand, knowledge of
mathematics is essential for the effective use of computers. We
have indicated this two-way interaction between mathematics
and computers at many places in this book. We have included
examples of using the dynamical geometry program GeoGebra and
the computer language Python. More material on these are made
available through the Samagra portal and through QR codes.
Important pdf of each mathematics topics
- 1-Arithmetic Sequences
- 2- Circles
- 3-Mathematics of Chance
4-Second Degree Equations
6-Coordinates - 7-Tangents
- 8-Solids
- 9-Geometry and Algebra
10-Polynomials - 11-Statistics
Important questions of each topics
- 1-Arithmetic Sequences
- 2- Circles
- 3-Mathematics of Chance
- 4-Second Degree Equations
- 5-Trigonometry
- 6-Coordinates
- 7-Tangents
- 8-Solids
- 9-Geometry and Algebra
- 10-Polynomials
- 11-Statistics
Important videos of each topics
- 1-Arithmetic Sequences
- 2- Circles
- 3-Mathematics of Chance
- 4-Second Degree Equations
- 5-Trigonometry
- 6-Coordinates
- 7-Tangents
- 8-Solids
- 9-Geometry and Algebra
- 10-Polynomials
- 11-Statistics
Kerala sslc mathematics syllabus 2023,important topics
- By studypill
- . August 26, 2022
Hey buddies,Here we are sharing one of most important subject of sslc kerala march 2023,that is sslc mathematics syllabus 2023.In this subject class 10 mathematics,most

Previous year onam first term examination sslc question paper
- By studypill
- . August 8, 2022
Kerala Class 10 First Term Onam Exam Question Paper 2019- Malayalam Paper I.pdf Kerala Class 10 First Term Onam Exam Question Paper 2019- Malayalam Paper

- By studypill
- . February 10, 2022
Download:Chapter 6-സൂചകസംഖ്യകള് Question Paper (MM) with answers by Rajesh Sir.pdf Download:Chapter 7-തൊടുവര Question Paper with answers by Rajesh Sir.pdf Download:Chapter 9-ജ്യാമിതിയും ബീജഗണിതവും Question Paper (MM)

A+Study materials for Kerala SSLC Examination
- By studypill
- . January 24, 2022
The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Kerala is an autonomous body entrusted with planning, implementation and evaluation of all academic programmes from
- By studypill
- . January 24, 2022
Malayalam Download sslc notes of malayam Urdu Arabic Download:Kerala SSLC 10th STD Study Material Arabic_opt.pdf Sanskrit Download:Kerala SSLC 10th STD Study Material Sanskrit Mikav.pdf English

- By studypill
- . August 29, 2021
Download sslc english notes:Exam based study material– Ujwal-DIET KOLLAM Download sslc hindi notes:Exam based study materialUjwal-DIET KOLLAM Download sslc biology notes:Exam based study materialUjwal-DIET KOLLAM