Concentration-As the concentration of reactants increases, the no of effective collisions
increases, then the rate of reaction increases

Temperature-As the Temperature increases. Kinetic energy of the molecule increases, then the rate of
reaction increases

Nature of reactants

Surface area-As the Surface area increases then the rate of reaction increases

Pressure-As pressure increases the molecule comes closer. The effective collisions increases,
then the rate of reaction increases

Catalyst-Positive catalyst: Catalyst that increase the rate of reaction.
Negative catalyst: Catalyst that decrease the rate of reaction.

Forward reaction-Reactants turn into products is known as forward reaction. Backward reaction-Products turn into reactants is known as backward reaction.

Reversible reactions-Reactions taking place in both directions

Chemical Equilibrium is the point at which the rate of the forward reaction becomes equal to
the rate of the backward reaction in a chemical reaction.


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