Schools and colleges are runby the government, private trusts, or individuals. Each school is affiliated with either the ICSE or CBSE , KERALA STATE EDUCATION BOARD or any other state board.Most private schools using english as medium for language in kerala, while government run schools offer English or Malayalam as the medium Government-run schools in the districts bordering Karnataka and Tamil Nadu also offer instruction in Kannada or Tamil languages. In government schools some languages are also using as second language like Malayalam or Tamil or Kannada or Sanskrit or Urdu or Hindi. After 10 years of secondary schooling SSLC students can select higher secondary education or vocational higher secondary diploma or iti..Etc.There are mainly three streams are available for higher secondary,which are science, commerce, and humanities. After completing 2 year known as plus one and plus two, students can enroll in general or professional degree programme. Kerala became the 1st Indian state to achieve 100% primary education through its literacy programme Athulyam.
In science stream variety of combination of subjects available which listed below.
1 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology
2 Physics, Chemistry, Home Science, Biology
3 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Home Science
4 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology
5 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science
6 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Electronics
7 Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geology
8 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics
9 Physics, Chemistry, Psychology, Biology
In commerce stream subjects combinations available are
1.Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics, Maths
2.Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics, Statistics
3 Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics, Politics
4 Business Studies, Accountancy, Economics, Computer Application
In humanities stream subjects combinations are
1 History, Economics, Politics, Geography
2 History, Economics, Politics, Sociology
3 History, Economics, Politics, Geology
4 History, Economics, Politics, Gandhian Studies
5 History, Economics, Politics, Philosophy
6 History, Economics, Politics, Social Work
7 Islamic History, Economics, Politics, Geography
8 Islamic History, Economics, Politics, Sociology
9 Sociology, Social Work, Psychology, Gandhian Studies
10 History, Economics, Politics, Pshychology
11 History, Economics, Politics, Anthropology
12 History, Economics, Politics, Statistics
13 Sociology, Social Work, Psychology, Statistics
14 Economics, Statistics, Anthropology, Social Work
15 History, Economics, Geography, Hindi
16 History, Economics, Geography, Arabic
17 History, Economics, Geography, Urdu
18 History, Economics, Geography, Kannada
19 History, Economics, Geography, Tamil
20 History, Economics, Sanskrit Sahitya, Sanskrit Sasthra
21 History,Philosophy, Sanskrit Sahitya, Sanskrit Sasthra
22 Economics, Gandhian Studies, Communication English, Computer Application
23 Sociology, Journalism, Communicative English, Computer Application
24 Journalism, English Literature, Communicative English, Psychology
25 History, Economics, Politics, Music
26 History, Economics, Geography, Malayalam
India has three national boards CBSE,ICSE,NIOS and other state boards which conduct board examinations for students in classes 10th, 11th ,12th.
School education in India is provided by various academic boards with their presence at national and state wide.They conduct board examinations for students studying in classes 10th and 12th. CBSE conducts board exams for 10th and 12th classes in February/March every year.
The Board conducts examinations for regular as well as private students.
CBSE offers various subjects to its students after class 10th in Science, Commerce and Humanities stream. After completing class 12th, students can apply for admission to various colleges/universities to pursue degree.
Some of the national level entrance exams conducted by CBSE are,Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST), Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET), etc.
CISCE is a privately held national-level board of school education in India that conducts the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) and the Indian School Certificate (ISC) examinations for Class 10th and Class 12th respectively. It was established in 1958

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Here we are share answer key of kerala plus two biology march 2022 question paper and answer key Download plus two botany question paper Download
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Taxonomic categories:Important points to remember
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Medical/Engineering entrance examination: application invited in kerala
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Kerala Plus two Examination 2021-Focus Area Topics & Important Portions of Physics
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Here we providing important portions,focus area based physics, for kerala plus two examination 2021 as pdf,notes,questions,videos. Kerala Plus Two Examination-Focus area for all subjects Focus