Kerala SSLC examination are conducted in every year by SCERT in March.Students,who studying in government or aided or unaided schools and passed in 9th standard or equivalent are eligible for writing this exam.Around above 4 lakh students enrolling for this exam every year.In this section we discuss about important topics and syllabus for SSLC examination.we provide question papers,pdf files,important topics and videos of various subject like physics,chemistry,biology mathematics,social science students class 10
- Total marks : 640
- Written exam: 490
- internal assessment:130
- IT Practical exam mark: 20
- Qualification:9th standard pass or equivalent
- Mode of examination:written test
- Language: English/malayalam/Tamil
- time of examination:two and half hours
- 1.Malayalam/Arabic/Urdu
- 2.English
- 3.Hindi
- 4.Social science 1
- science 2
- 6.Mathematics
- 7.Physics
- 8.Chemistry
- 9.Biology
- 10.IT
Syllabus of each subjects
- 1-बीरबहूटी (कहानी)
- 2-हताशा से एक व्यक्ति बैठ गया था।
(टिप्पणी) - 3-टूटा पहिया (कविता)
- 4-बंटी। (उपन्यास का अंश)
- 5-आई एम कलाम के बहाने (फिल्मी
लेख ) - 6-सबसे बड़ा शो मैन। (जीवनी का
अंश) - 7-नीली आसमानी छतरी। (फिल्मी
गीत) - 8-अकाल और उसके बाद। (कविता)
- 9-ठाकुर का कुआँ | (कहानी)
- 10-एक थाल चाँद भरा। (कहानी)
- 11-बसंत मेरे गाँव का। (लेख)
- 12-दिशाहीन दिशा (यात्रावृत्त)
- 1 3-जगहों के नाम। (कविता)
- 14-बच्चे काम पर जा रहे हैं। (कविता)
- 15-गुठली तो पराई है। (कहानी)
- 16-तुम लड़की हो तुम्हें क्यों पढ़ना है?
- 1-Arithmetic Sequences
- 2- Circles
- 3-Mathematics of Chance
- 4-Second Degree Equations
- 5-Trigonometry
- 6-Coordinates
- 7-Tangents
- 8-Solids
- 9-Geometry and Algebra
- 10-Polynomials
- 11-Statistics
- 1-Wave Motion
- 2-Effects of Electric Current
- 3-Electromagnetic Inductiot
- 4-Power Transmission and
Distribution - 5-Heat
- 6-Colours of Light
- 7-Electronics and Modern
Technology - 8-Energy Management
- 1-Sensations and Responses
- 2-Windows of Knowledge
- 3-Chemical Messages for
Homeostasis - 4- Keeping Diseases Away
- 5-Soldiers of Defense
- 6-Unravelling Genetic
Mysteries - 7-Genetics for the Future
- 8-The Paths Traversed by Life
Social science 1
- 1-Revolutions that influenced
the world - 2-World in the twentieth
centuary - 3-Public Administration
- 4-British exploitation and
resistance - 5-Culture and Nationalism
- 6-Struggle and freedom
- 7-India after independence
- 8-Kerala towards modernity
- 9-The state and political
science - 10-Civic consciousness
- 11-Sociology : what? why?
Social science 2
- 1-Seasons and Time
- 2-In Search of the source of
wind - 3-Human Resource
Development in India - 4-Terrain analysis through
maps - 5-Public Expenditure and
Public Revenue - 6-Eyes in the sky and Data analysis
- 7-India : The Land of
Diversities - 8-Resource Wealth of India
- 9-Financial Institutions and
Services - 10-Consumer : Satisfaction
and Protection

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