Major topics

💠Neuron – Structure and function Generation of impulses
💠Brain -Structure and function
💠Spinal cord -Structure and function
💠Reflex actions
💠Autonomous nervous system – Sympathetic and Parasympathetic system
💠The diseases affecting nervous system


💠A nerve cell or neuron- diagram, functions of dendrite, dendron, axon, axonite, synaptic knob.
💠Peculiarities and functions of motor nerve, sensory nerve, and mixed nerves .
💠Brain-diagram, functions of cerebrum, cerebellum,medulla oblongata, thalamus, hypothalamus
💠Causes and symptom  of Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and Epilepsy


💠Dendrite Branches of dendron. Part that receives impulses from the
adjacent neuron

💠Dendron-Carries impulses from dendrites to the cell body

💠Axon – Longest filament from the cell body. Carries impulses to the

💠Axonite- Branches of axon. Carries impulses to the synaptic knob

💠Synaptic knob- Tip of axonite, secretes neurotransmitter

💠Different types of nerves – sensory nerve, motor nerve and mixed

💠Characteristics of nerves

• Sensory nerves :Formed of sensory nerve fibres
• Motor nerves: Formed of motor nerve fibres
• Mixed nerves : Formed of sensory nerve fibres and motor nerve fibres


💠Sensory nerve carries impulses from brain and spinal cord to various parts of the body,

💠Motor nerve carries impulses from various parts of the body to brain and spinal cord.

💠Mixed nerve-Carries impulses to and from the brain and spinal cord

Top 10 most important topics of sslc biology chapter

Brain -Structure and function

1 💠Cerebrum

• Centre of thought, intelligence, memory and imaginations.
• evokes sensations.
• controls voluntary movements.

2 💠Cerebellum

• Coordinates muscular actions.
• maintains equilibrium of the body.


• Act as relay station of impulses to and from the brain.
• Analyses the impulses from various parts of the body and sends the
important ones to the cerebrum.


• Maintains homeostasis. Medulla oblongata

• Controls involuntary actions like heart beat, breathing etc.

SSLC CHEMISTRY FOCUS AREA BASED NOTES;High yielding points of chapter 1

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